Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rachel says that I haven't blogged in a long time so I thought that I would finally bite the bullet and update. Here's what I have been up to:
1. I just bought the soundtrack for the new movie Across the Universe. What can I say, I can't resist Beatles songs.

2. We have been enjoying Robinhood, the BBC television series, for the past week. Honestly, who knew there were so many similarities between our time and 12th century England?

3. I am reading the Mists of Avalon which was going pretty well until the awkward man love popped up between Lancelet and Arthur. I am continuing on, pretending it didn't happen.

4. I am currently in shock mode after Robert Jordan's death. I swear, if nobody finishes that stupid Wheel of Time series I am going to really do something drastic...I don't know what yet, but it will be bad.

5. Who else is excited about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? Seriously, the movie will probably be mediocre at best, but I will still love it. I mean, I have been waiting for this since Last Crusade came out and I became obsessed with Harrison Ford.

I will think of other things, and I promise that I won't be so horrible with updating next time.