Friday, November 05, 2010

Season 3 Collaborators

ah, nothing like some vigilante justice. In this episode we have the Chief, Colonel Tigh, and a bunch of other people decide they want someone to pay for all of the people who died on New Caprica.

So, the people who "helped" the cylons on New Caprica (poor Jammer, who was just trying to help innocents never saw this coming) get flushed out of the airlock.

I think it's pretty obvious the implications of this type of scenario. I'm only sad that they didn't kill Gaeta when they had the chance.

But, we also have Mr. Gaius Baltar living with the Cylons. And there is the first real glance into a Cylon Basestar. Remember that place in the future that Bill and Ted go where everyone is standing around and it's all strange? That's kind of what the base star reminds me of.

This episode is really upsetting to me. Mostly because I don't like it when people get killed who are just trying to do their best.

I mean, if I were in the same situation (or, more realistically, in a war-like situation where America becomes occupied by another country, and I had the chance to work for the enemy) I would probably do it. Not because I was a traitor, but because one can do the most good when one is aware on the inside. Isn't that what being a spy is all about? It's kind of sexy.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Resurrection Ship Part 1 and Part 2 again

Finally, Admiral Kane is dead. Payback is a bitch.

Also, when do you think I can anticipate being able to have an outer space funeral? I really want to be sent off out some airlock in a cool burial pod, draped by a flag, with everyone crying as they say goodbye.

If its good enough for Spock, it's good enough for me.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Resurrection Ship Part 1 and Part 2

just when I thought that President Roslin was the worst leader ever, Admiral Kane steps in. She abandons civilians after stripping their ships for parts. She condones her officers treating the "skin-jobs" hidden in the fleet like punching bags.

So, does Commander Adama step in line with military protocol and obey Admiral Kane? Or does he kill her and pretend like she never existed? Hard decision. But hasn't the Galactica Fleet been through enough? And haven't they learned that in a post-apocalyptic situation like this, the military cannot institute marshall law and expect the survivors to flourish (or even want to survive). And democracy, though a wonderful thing in peace time, isn't always the best option when you have tons of people searching for a new home in a war-like situation. So, how do they survive?

Luckily, Commander Adama doesn't have to make the hard decision. Remember the Six that she kept alive on the Pegasus only to torture her. I have a feeling that if the Six has the opportunity, she will kill Admiral Kane so no one has to get their hands dirty. Phew.

So, I wonder if you can really call the Fleet a democracy.

Spoiler alert. President Roslin killed democracy the second she decided to rig the election in order to keep Gaius Baltar out of office. (Of course, she got caught, Baltar won anyway, and things ended horribly.)

Quote from these episodes: Sometimes terrible things have to be done.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Brand New Segment

What I learned tonight watching Battlestar Galatica

Season 2, Episode "The Black Market"
So, I have lost direction. And I have decided to go to my number one source for inspiration: Battlestar Galactica.
"The Black Market" is an episode about The Black Market. The people in the fleet are struggling with the simple issue of supply and demand. There are criminals withholding crucial drugs and other supplies in exchange for sex, money, and whatever else of value.
The underlying story is about Lee Adama and his continuing spiral downwared into depression. Lee is paying a prostitute (she has a heart of gold and a child) for something a little more then sex. The prostitute reminded Lee of the girl he left behind on Caprica. (This girl became pregnant and Lee rejected her and his unborn child.)
The Admiral places Lee in charge of investigating the death of the Pegasus Commander, a fat man deeply involved in the Black Market. Lee needs forgiveness. He gave up on a potential family before the Attacks, and now he believes that he will gain some sort of peace of mind if he saves his prostitute and her daughter from the evil men of the criminal underground.
Lee eventually kills the bad guy...but does he feel better about himself? That is the question.
Quote from the Episode:
"It's hard to find the moral high ground when we're all standing in the mud."
I learned a few pivotal things from this episode.
1. Lee is wicked awesome and beautiful (why is he paying for sex?)
2. Not everyone can be saved...the reality of the situation is that people are in charge of their own paths. You might think that you are saving someone. But whether or not they want to be saved is not up to you.
3. Poor Lt. Dualla. She has it bad for Lee. And in this episode she at least confronts him and forces him to pick a side. Either he wants a relationship with her or he doesn't.
4. Stupid President Roslin believes that she is better then everyone else and doesn't have to get her feet muddy by allowing the Black Market to continue. She never wants to realize that life in space is not like it was on Caprica and the other Colonies. Not everything is black and white. Moral superiority doesn't have a place in the fleet. Everyone has had to make some allowances.
5. Life is hard when you are put into an impossible situation (such as running away from deadly cylons week after week). I have learned to think through things a little more. To see things from alternate points of view. You don't have to agree with everything a person does or believes, but you can't change the way that people think or how they are going to respond to situations. Everyone has the same basic right to choice.
Well, I will talk to you later.