Saturday, April 16, 2005

Okay-So maybe it wasn't Mono

The good news is that my cold is getting better, thanks in part to the blessed cold gel caps I bought. I wish that there was something memorable that has happened to me recently. I wore my new pink pants today. I bought them at the fat people store and they are so comfortable. Fat people really do know what they are doing. And they look really cute on me, if I do say so myself. I am eating Cookies and Cream ice cream and I must say, it is really good. It used to be my favorite flavor at Baskin Robins, and I can see why. I have really good taste.


At 9:50 AM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

I really enjoyed Flight of the Navigator last night onto other topics besides new clothes. When I first cam over and saw all those people at your house I was really amazed but then when I found out they were your home teachers and had to come and visit you I understood the reason why.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger said...

Hearing about Flight of the Navigator reminds me that I spent six hours of precious finals study time to watch the miniseries of Dune: Children of Dune. Why is it that when something's on tv you always feel like you have to watch it?


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