Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Brush With Death

As usual, I spent my morning in the service of my fellow beings. Rachel needed to go to the airport and because I am such a good person, I volunteered to take her.

We made it to the airport in good time. I had mentioned to her earlier that I really needed to register my car and get new tires, as my old tires were getting pretty bald.

Flash to the ride home. I had just past Thanksgiving Point in Lehi when my car started making a funny noise. I decided it was nothing. Then the noise got worse and the steering wheel started to shake. I pulled over from the center lane into the borrow pit.

Yeah, my tire was shredded. So, after about fifty million calls, the tow car was headed my way and Les Schwab was expecting my Cruiser and I to roll in any time.

I didn't realize it until earlier tonight. I could have died. If my front tire had exploded rather than the back tire, I wouldn't have been able to steer the car. There were cars all around me. I could have crashed into someone else.

The miracle is that I was able to walk away without a scratch. My car has new tires and I am in an altogether better place than I was.

I'm not one for sharing faith building stories about how God helped someone find their car keys or something like that. But I do know that my dad had a feeling this morning that he should call me about my tires. I had been worrying about them all morning. It can't just be coincidence that this happened today and that no one was hurt. I mean, it could have happened during a snow storm or in the middle of the night.

Anyway, just thought you should all realize how close you came to losing the best part of your lives. And if you get a persistent nudge to change your tires, you should probably do it.


At 6:25 AM, Blogger Julie Barnes said...

So glad you made it out with out a scratch :) AND I think I need some new tires... I guess it is time, right?

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Scary! I'm glad your ok!

At 10:49 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

Glad you're ok. It seems that taking Rachel to the airport is risky business.


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