Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I support chickens but why are their eggs so expensive?

Many of you don't know this, but I am a Dr. Doolittle for the new millennium.I can't help it. I love animals. My first ambition as a child was to be a veterinarian. So, I support people who don't eat meat or only use cage-free eggs. But why is this such an expensive endeavor?

I've seen the horrific videos of the chickens all caged up with no living space just waiting to either become my next meal or drop off some yummy eggs. I think there is a special place in hell for the people who are mean to animals (right next to people who talk at the theatre). So I want to support those farmers who take the time to treat the chickens in a way that allows them to live their little chicken lives as nature intended.

I'm not a nut job or anything, but I think that this desire is a good one. However, I am also a rather frugal shopper and cage free eggs/chicken meats are often twice the price of the crappy stuff. Does anyone know of any ways to get the cage-free eggs at the "trapped in a warehouse with a million of my chicken friends" eggs price?


At 8:28 AM, Blogger politicchic6 said...

You have fallen into the classic quandry. Americans want "good food" but don't want to have to pay for it. So if you really love your chickens, you'll have to ante up.

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Wow, this is all news to me...

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

ha ha... I have never even noticed you can get different eggs, let a lone noticed a difference in price. Wow... I must be super non- observant!

At 4:46 PM, Blogger The Rage said...

I think that only solution is for you raise your own chickens in the backyard and collect their eggs. There you have it... free.


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