Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Cleared the Ghettos in Utah County

There is an occurence in Utah County. It happens every Sunday. While most of the population attends some form of church, whether you head up to Campus or go to that church on University Avenue that meets at 11:00. The rest of the population take advantage of your absence in public by escaping their homes (or trailers, whichever) and coming to the mall. That's where I come in. It is my job to make sure that all 50 of you who actually want to buy something can do so.
The problem with Sunday shoppers, the thing that seperates you from every other kind of shopper, is the fact that you are all a bunch of jerks. You are mean, cheap, and above all, inconsiderate. I am never yelled at more than when I work on Sundays. And by the way, why is it that you can't speak English, not a single word, but you can argue with me over a three dollar price discrepancy. AGHHH!!! On top of another horrible day at work, my beloved Smithfieldman is leaving me. In the words of Jim Carrey, "Goodbye, my love..."


At 4:07 PM, Blogger The Rage said...

We will all miss smithfieldman sorely. I only wish that he could come and visit us and that the Dr. Quinn moments could continue. Now who is going to come and hang out on our couch and become fiesty. No one, that's right... no one...

At 1:37 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

Yes I will miss sitting on the couch being fiesty. But who knows when I will come and visit.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger James said...

Sounds like some cameo appearances are scheduled for the freakishly fanatic folks out there. Woohoo


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