Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Things I Didn't Need to Know about June

June is a 39 year old woman in the pharm tech program with me at PRO-CO. To put it nicely, she never stops talking. Ever! We all hate her. In fact, I made the decision of where I was going to work around the fact that she was never going to work in a hospital setting. Here are just some of the little tidbits of wisdom I have learned over the past couple of months.

Did you know that both June and her son are allergic to penicillen? You didn't? Well, they are. It's a funny story, because she didn't develop her allergy until after she'd had penicillen several times for different ailments over the years. Isn't it funny how she just woke up one morning and was allergic to something that a lot of people are allergic to?

Did you know that her husband has sleep apnea? Oh yeah, he has to sleep with one of those strange masks on so that he doesn't die in his sleep. June has since realized that she can't sleep without the soothing noise of the machine in the background. Isn't that so funny?

Did you know that her son is very small for his age? He's only in the 20th percentile for his age group for size. What's really funny is that her eldest son is huge! One day, he's probably going to be taller than her sleep deprived husband. How funny for her that her two sons could be so different!

June used to live in Southern California. Did you know that? Well, she did. But her husband lost his job and so now they live in his parents basement in Utah. Now if that's not a premise for a hilarious sitcom, I don't know what is.

Trust me folks, I will think of some more things that June has taught me. She is such a wealth of knowledge. Every class we learn some fascinating new fact about science. Like tonight June informed us that men, too, can have yeast infections. That's right. But nine times out of ten, they don't know they have one and they spread it to the sexual partners they have. Thanks, June. I'm so glad I learned that.


At 2:26 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

I couldn't even read all the fun things you learned from June.


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