Friday, October 17, 2008

The Old Lady...

So, I moved into this new place after the divorce. Everything seems to be going well. I like my new roommates. However, and I think I have mentioned her before, my new roommate is REALLY old. REALLY! Not old in the sense that she is on her deathbed, but old in the sense that she is single, still renting, and living with complete strangers.
Why this weirds me out:
1. Being single is not that big of a deal. Having roommates is not that big of a deal. Living in a ward where people are generally 15 years younger than you are and still trying to fit in is kind of sad.
2. She's OLD. She was starting college when I was in elementary school. What's that about?

She really is super nice. However, she is kind of a drag to talk to. Remember Debbie Downer? That's Cinde. She is constantly talking about how she wants to get married and have kids and how no one will ever love her.

She is also prone to mentioning a certain "ex-boyfriend" that she claims she will never be able to get over. Rachel and I made it a point one night to find out how long ago she broke up with this guy. I was guessing more than five years ago. I was wrong.

The other night we got to talking. She, of course, mentioned her ex. I have tried to avoid this conversation for awhile now. I could imagine what her relationship was like. She's got low self-esteem so I figured that this guy had to be a big jerk, the kind that takes of advantage of women who can't stand up for themselves. I couldn't have been more right.

Cinde starts telling me how she always had to be the one to go to his house and when she got there, he wouldn't even be excited to see her. He didn't want to hug, kiss, or cuddle. I mean, if you liked someone, wouldn't you want to spend time with them? This guy wouldn't even call her unless she begged him to.

Long story short, they broke up over a year ago and she has yet to get over it. She "knows" that Heavenly Father wants her to marry this creep, despite the fact that they haven't spoken since before last Christmas.

I think I am blogging about this mostly because Cinde is a nice person, who just needs someone (her age group, hopefully) who will treat her nice. Does anyone know of anybody that would work for her? I'm thinking about a certain person's recently divorced brother? What do you think?


At 11:59 AM, Blogger stewedslacker said...

First of all, no Debbie downer is ever going to be my sister in law, and second, the kids got standards. Low they may be, but I have met said old lady and I am pretty sure that she couldn't clear the fairly low bar that he has set. Ans since when have you taken it upon yourself to beocme the master match maker? I find it amusing how many people without much experience in relationships or even in a current relationship are all of the sudden experts in this field and trying to hook up everyone in the neighborhood.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger The Rage said...

Yikes. She is very sweet but definately (I can never spell that right) a Debbie Downer. I feel for her but you are not helping with the whole "Cat Ladies" thing :)

At 10:19 AM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

I don't think you should pawn her off on a certain someone's brother either.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger politicchic6 said...

I agree! We don't need anymore crazies in the family nevermind how nice they are to cats.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger BDawg said...

I take it that Cindie is too old to know about blogs?

I don't know any single men that age who want to date the person you have described. If you are looking for a date, I know a number of guys, actually.


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