Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Spoiler, I like to read. Here is a list of books that if I were going to be stuck in one place for a really long time (I'm not going to say it's a deserted island, but it might be) I would have to take with me. These are books that I read once every couple of years, although some get a yearly read through.

1. Middlemarch- For many of us, this book is the thinking man's Pride and Prejudice. It's got the torment of unrequited love and the pleasure of judgemental townspeople who eventually get their comeuppance. Plus, we meet Dorothea, one of the most admirable women ever written. Some might think it's boring, and that's okay. The elitist in me doesn't want everyone to like this book.

2. Pride and Prejudice- What can I say? All girls love this book. I am a girl. Therefore, I love this book. And ANY of it's movie adaptations, except that horrible one with Lawrence Olivier.

3. The Once and Future King- I first had to read this book in Sophomore English class. It still makes me cry just thinking about it.

4. The Outsiders- I was introduced to this book by my sister. I don't know if I ever thanked her properly. I don't want to ruin it for anybody, but when a certain person dies, a part of me dies.

5. Wheel of Time series- This is mostly because there are so many of them and it would take a lot of time to go through them all. Plus, I could read and reread all of the Mat stuff. Oh, Mat, I love you...

6. East of Eden- I hate every other John Steinbeck book. HATE!!! This book is a masterpiece that everyone should read. I don't know how the same man who wrote The Red Pony and The Pearl could have written this treasure, but I am glad that he did.

7. Harry Potter series- I'm not ashamed to admit that I love Harry.

8. Tom Jones- Since I'm currently rereading this book, I think I should sing it's praises. It's, quite simply, one of the funniest books ever written, which is quite an accomplishment when you consider it was written in the 1700's. Bravo, Mr. Fielding. Bravo.

I'm positive that after a few weeks on the island, I would be hurting for something new to read. Or be so sick of solitude that I'd consider pulling a Tom Hanks and forge some sort of raft together with only my wiles to help me. But at least I'd be with some of my dearest friends. Yeah, I'm talking about the books, not actual friends. My life is so sad...


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Joe said...

I am the first to post, very nice!
I like my stories too. Mine include the intrigues of a certain Scottish laird and the absurd antics of an amateur (and highly promiscuous) magician.duh duh duuh duuuh duh duh duh duh duuuh

At 10:26 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

I agree about East of Eden. That is a great book. Love it. Ihave never read Middlemarhc or Pride and Prejudice.
I also like the once and future king. Its been about two years since i read that one.
I can already picture you on a deserted island by yourself reading the Wheel of time series.

At 11:13 AM, Blogger stewedslacker said...

I only read base, crass, purely entertaining, or erotic stories....

At 4:22 PM, Blogger The Rage said...

I think that you will have a nice library of literature on the island. I think that I'll swim over from my island to visit!


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