Saturday, October 27, 2007

Worst Idea Ever

I reached the ultimate level of stupidity tonight. A certain person's roommates (me) are right now either at work or in a different state. So tonight I settled in for a quiet evening of solitude and peace. After finishing Tess of the D'urbervilles (so sad!) I decided that I would find out what else was on the television.
Bad idea.
I stumbled upon one of those movies that I have to watch whenever it comes on. This list of movies includes Legally Blonde, Maid in Manhattan, Seven, and either of the High School Musicals.
The movie I encountered tonight was Silence of the Lambs. Is there a person alive (excluding my mom) who doesn't love this movie? And of course it is right at the part of the movie that scares me the most. You know the part. Clarice stumbles upon the home of Buffalo Bill and he chases her around the very dark basement wearing night vision goggles.
Night vision goggles are not right. If God wanted me to be able to see in the dark, he would have given me those cool eyes that the guy from Ghostbusters II had. (Although those were really freaky, too.)
So now I am alone in my house, locked in my room with various objects placed in front of the door so that in case someone comes in my room in an attempt to "R" or "M" me (ask me later if you don't know what those mean) I will be able to hear him and scream for my life.
I won't be taken alive!!! My window is open and I am confident that the Mail-Order Bride couple next door will hear me scream and save me.
I hope I live to see morning, friends.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

I hope you are alive too.

Just ask my mom about reading that book while my dad was away out on the farm in the middle of nowhere in Colorado. She can relate with you.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger The Rage said...

You are such a nerd. But I do love that movie. I'm glad that you make it through the night so that fearfest 2007 can continue. And now you just keep in mind that Buffalo Bill is the guy on Monk and he's not so scary without the night vision goggles!


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