Monday, March 17, 2008

Rachel says I haven't blogged in awhile, so I thought I would take the time tonight to let everyone know what I am up to.

1. I am one organ lighter, as my gall bladder proved to be a hindrance to my digestive system.
2. I now work seven ten hour days, and have seven days off. It's a wonderful schedule brought on by the quitting of my most hated (former) co-worker.
3. Indiana Jones comes out on May 22nd. I am so excited about this movie I would possibly cut off my right leg for a copy. Provided, of course, that I get a cool wooden leg. Or maybe some of those magic legs that Lieutenant Dan has in Forrest Gump.
4. I am seeing a psychiatrist. They told me I have OCD, which makes a lot of sense. I read this book called Brain Lock. It's about overcoming OCD. Totally wonderful. So stop making fun of me for washing my hands so much. It's not me, it's my OCD.
5. I have been worried about the upcoming Wheel of Time book, which as we all know will be written by some new guy, Brandon Sanderson. I am usually not a fan of this type of thing. (Imagine if JK Rowling had died before book seven mades it's way to the publishers and they replaced her with some strange new person.) I have since read a book by Brandon Sanderson and I think that he will do a good job. As long as there is minimal Perrin and maximum Mat then I will be a happy camper.
6. I am thinking of joining a fan based Star Wars club on-line. Has anyone ever done this? And if they have, how weird are the people that do it?

There you go, Rachel. This one's for you.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I've always thought the gallbladder was holding you back. Now there's nothing to stop your plan for world domination.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Good-bye Golly.
I hope you have a good psychiatrist. I think the best way to go, is to be "self-medicated."

At 6:48 PM, Blogger The Rage said...

I was happy to see that you updated and are still doing everything that I tell you. I'm all for the wooden leg as well. I mean, you getting a wooden leg and me getting to watch the movie :)

At 10:59 PM, Blogger stewedslacker said...

Valid points about the most important things in life: Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and the Wheel of Time... Oh yeah, and your issues... whatever. Back to the good stuff. Indian Jones better not suck, Book 11 better not suck.


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