Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars!!!

I know that you have all been waiting for my personal review of the movie. Well, here it is, in the ever popular bullet format.
1. Padme: I'm not gonna lie, I have always really liked her in the movies. However, for some reason, her part in this one was subpar, whether we should blame this on Natalie Portman and her acting or George Lucas and his writing. (I am more inclined to blame it on the latter)
2. Yoda. He is just plain dumb as a computer animated figure. His voice is silly, and I don't really think he could kick that much trash against the emporer.
3. The end part with Darth Vadar. You know, when he is tied to the operation chair and he is all upset about Padme. Those lines were never meant to be said by James Earl Jones, and I wish that I could erase them from my memory.
4. The wookies. No, Smithfieldman, your part was excellent. A certain roommate of mine discussed the thrown in quality that they had. It's like they decided that Chewbacca was going to be in the movie no matter what, even if it didn't fit into the plot.
Hmm...I can't think of anything else at the moment
1. Obi-Wan: I didn't think that I could love him more. It turns out I was wrong. Favorite lines: "Another happy landing" and "You were the chosen one".
2. The tight was that Count Dooku was killed. I think we all know I love violence.
3. Anakin's torment. I really felt like he was going evil, for so many reasons. He wanted Padme to live, he wanted power, he wan't recognition. Hmm...I have a book and two friends he should meet, that would have helped him out quite a bit.
4. Light-saber fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin. So good.
5. Darth Vadar's return.
6. The cutest babies at the end...what were their names again?
7. Smithfieldman's ever great role. Probably the highlight of the film.
Well, that's it. Long I know, but Star Wars deserves it. Let me know if you ever want to watch it with me. I am dying to see it again.


At 2:08 AM, Blogger James said...

I was just bummed they didn't have ewoks. And how is it that all the jedi just turn their brains off, they don't sense that people are trying to kill them, unless they have a voice like Grover's if you know-what-I-mean(not a Jim Varney reference)
R2D2 was good in this one. I was glad that Mr. Binx had a super small part as well. Actually from the start, I said to Johno that if he was in < 1 minute. I'd be happy. And he was, hence I was.
I thought the fight scenes rocked the cassbaw(sp?). But I was disgusted that Obi-Wan didn't throw-up at the knowledge of his "Brother" going astray.
I agree with you on the Padme analysis. Her hairstyles weren't as cool as in the other prequels. Her acting was better though. I didn't think Natalie Portman had emotions. Up until now I think she should have been cast as a droid (like Rosie from the Jetsons or something).
Yeah, the Yoda/Chewy scene was a bit touching, and by touching I mean just cheesey (way to tug my heart strings George).
I liked General what's his bucket, grievance or complaint or something. I figured he'd somehow be come Vader's twisted mechanical siamese brother, since he had the voice and funny mechanical body, but unfortunately that one never materialized.
I liked the giant lizard a lot too. It reminded me of my old pet lizards, but since I had pet lizards, I could tell some of it's movements were not quite realistic. Not like the Galimimuses from JP.
I couldn't believe the emperor lied, @ least twice to Anakin.
I felt amused during the movie Anakin had long untamed hair, much like my old apostate roommate who was in Divine Comedy (that's another story altogether)
One last random thought: the saddest part in the movie was (drumroll please) not the younglings, but the "wiping" I think you know what I mean.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

Good analysis Kittykat. But I do have to disagree with you on the whole Emperor Yoda battle. Yoda was just a kick but kind of guy and I think he became wiser for it, in teaching Luke on the Dagobah system. The battle was just too amazing, I totally believe that he could kick the Emperor's butt.


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