Thursday, May 26, 2005

My Descent into Nerdiness Or Longest Blog EVER!!!

I may or may not have gone to Star Wars again today with my mom. Although that is exciting news, probably the most interesting thing that came out of it was a deep thought about myself. The thought was "WHAT A HUGE NERD I HAVE BECOME." How did I get this way? Surely on the path to nerdiness there were some signs that I should have turn back. Have I grasped the nerdy side of life just as Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side of the force.
Here are some of the key nerd moments in my life, which I hope on deeper reflection will help me get to the bottom of my "problem".
1. I am born in Idaho, a place that lacks a certain amount of outside entertainment so that I am forced to turn inwards, my imagination excels.
2. I become obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, pretending that I get to be the cool girl turtle. Hey it could happen.
3. I manage to survive junior high and most of high school without encountering any further nerdy moments, notice I skip over most moments concerning NKOTB. That's because I don't think that I was really obsessed with them. And if you don't know who NKOTB is then you aren't really a nerd.
4. I make friends with Megan Miller, the first in a long line of people who inspire me to take my obsessive personality to a new level. I list a few of the glorious things that I love and obsess over. Young Hercules otherwise known as Ryan Gosling. Megan and I may have had a tape of favorite episodes, and whenever I see him in upcoming movies, I still get shivers and want to scream out with joy. NSYNC. That's right, NSYNC. I don't think I need to explain myself to you.
5. Summer 2001, living at home gives me lots of time to read. Harry Potter is introduced into my life. I discover that lots of people love him.
6. I move to Provo, don't have a TV, but discover the online world of Harry Potter fanatics. I feel like I am home.
7. I move in with a certain group of people who are obsessive about the same type of things, and the nerdiness flourishes.
8. A certain Half ethnic girl introduces me to Angel and the wonderful world of Joss Whedon.
9. We discover that television shows are best watched on DVD, set up the Angel fund, and pretty much suck all of our friends into Angel with us.
10. I have now found multiple people who are equally obsessive about a great many things. We thrive together in our little hub of Provo. Some of us make plans to attend a Star Wars Convention in a couple of years.
I think the list, although long is not near accurate enough. The sad part about my life is that the farther into Nerddom I get, the less weird those "Weird kids" seem. I can see myself dressing up to attend a movie premiere. I plan on waiting in line for HP6, and probably HP7 . Aren't these all things that people scoff at and pretend to ridicule? The funny thing is, I can't really make fun of the people who camped out for Star Wars, because if I had the time and the money capacity, and maybe one other person to go with me (to save my place in line, you know, for potty brakes) then I would have camped out too. It's a sad realization but then, who says my life isn't sad.


At 1:02 AM, Blogger James said...

I think you should write a script for TMNT4 and somehow introduce the female turtle. Forget this fan fiction stuff and go bigtime. I liked the NKOTB bit. It made me feel all nostalgic of that one magical night in the Leath when you turned off Delila and put in NKOTB. Good times. How'd that CD player stop working again?

At 6:52 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

Wow, I hope that I can see the signs that you have posted in my life and somehow change them so I do not become a big a nerd as you. Oh wait, I already am!!!!!!!


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