Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am currently addicted to many things. Some are more healthy than others. None of them are particularly exciting to anyone but myself.

1. Battlestar Galactica-because it is the most amazing show ever created, by humans.
2. The battle over Coumadin at work. It's a long story, and it involves the idiots on the fourth floor of the hospital.
3. Lost- That island is soooooo full of secrets.
4. The Mistborn books by Brandon Sanderson. If you love Wheel of Time, read these books.
5. Checking an online website that I have recently become addicted to, purely to find out what all of the people I knew in high school are up to.
6. I hate to say it, because I usually hate Coldplay. But I really love their new album.
7. Nine Inch Nails-Why has it taken so long for me to download their music on my IPOD?
8. Macaroons- Possibly the world's greatest cookie.

That's not really the whole list. I have many other "dirty little secrets" that I will never share with the world.


At 5:25 PM, Blogger stewedslacker said...

I am addicted to string cheese and trail mix at work. And music. And cliff jumping at the lake.


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