Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why I want to be a CYLON:

1. They have a relatively guilt-free existence. I mean, aside from Athena and Caprica Six, there aren't a lot of CYLONS moping about because they caused the destruction of mankind.
2. They get to wear really scandalous clothing.
3. Although I have seen Cylons eating, I have never seen one really exercise. (Sharon doesn't count because she was in the Brig and anyone would be bored enough to do a few push-ups in the brig.) I bring this up because there aren't any fat Cylons. (Unless #12 is Jabba the Hutt or something). I could eat an entire bag of swedish fish and not worry about putting on any extra pounds.
4. I could kill myself whenever life got too stressful, and just get resurrected into another body. Sure, you end up in that tub of Goo, but it would be all worth it to be able to avoid my problems.
5. I wouldn't ever have to buy anything. I would just steal whatever I needed from the homes of all of the humans we destroyed. Hello, new wardrobe.

I am sure there are more reasons, but it's late and I really should go to bed.


At 10:58 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

I knew you were a cylon! I can't believe that they have infiltrated the 13th colony! Anyways, that's enough nerdiness for the day.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Joe said...

Personally, I wish I were Cary Brothers. That's just me though....

At 10:08 AM, Blogger The Rage said...

I would be a cylon because they get to blow up stuff. That would be fun! And you could just die and then goo it up - then blow up more stuff! Sweet!

At 9:16 PM, Blogger stewedslacker said...

I would like to be a cylon because they are not dumb like the humans they slaughtered.


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