Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana Jones Spoilers Ahead

Before I revel in my thoughts on the newest installment of Indiana Jones, let me just announce to everyone that I am finally getting a niece. That's right, my sister is having a baby girl. It took us four tries to get one, but I love all of my nephews and can only hope that my niece is just as cute.

Indiana Jones IV:
First off, I would like to say that I had pretty low expectations for this movie. I've been waiting a long time for a new Indy, and nothing could be as good as what I feel the series deserved. On that note, let me say that I enjoyed the movie. It wasn't perfect. There were a few moments when I thought, "Really, he's swinging thru the jungle like Tarzan?" But did I expect any less from a sequel that really didn't need to be made.
In all honesty, I firmly believe that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas just want to take us back to the things that we loved so dearly growing up. They did it with Star Wars and now with Indiana Jones. I'm sure that they love the idea of all of the money they will be earning, but if you had such a popular franchise, wouldn't you?
I love the Indiana Jones because Harrison Ford is a charming hero who beats all of the odds. And he had weaknesses. He's not some unstoppable force. Harrison had the same charisma in this film as he did in any of the others. The new film was funny and adventurous. It had all of the cheesy moments that I love (complete with a wedding finale that made me very happy).
So here are some of the things I don't think people will like:
1. They went with the alien aspect, which is interested, and I can see why they did it. People will not like it because it's too supernatural for Indiana Jones. But when you think of all of the previous films, they all involved some culture and their religious ideals, the god that they worshipped. This film was no different. Remember Temple of Doom and the blood drinking Satan worshippers? Sure we like it now, but I bet people didn't like it when it came out.
2. Some of the escapes were pretty unbelievable. I already mentioned the Tarzan rope swinging. But when you think about it, was it any less believable that they could survive all of those waterfalls than Indy survive a fall from an airplane in an inflatable raft?
It's pretty late, I'm pretty sure I could think of other things, but I'm too tired to think about it now.


At 4:34 PM, Blogger The Rage said...

I agree with your analysis - but then again I had the lowest expectations of all time (really, really low) so it turned out to be pretty darn good (with the exception of the tarzan rope swing :) )

At 7:01 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

Congrats on the niece. I will have to come back and finish this post after I have seen the movie.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Interesting comments. However, the alien route only goes to lower my already low expectations. Especially if they turn out to look like E.T.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger stewedslacker said...

Basically, this movie blows. And I think that my expectations were as low as they could get while still seeing it. (I still haven't seen POTC)


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