Sunday, March 20, 2005

it's been a blog time

I have updated for awhile. I know it must be hard for you people who are hanging on my every word, but I have just been so super busy lately. My life was pretty much in the crap hole this weekend. I really really hate working. I hate everything about it. On the bright side Angel Season 5 came in the mail today. Yeah, I am pretty excited. Did you ever notice that when I type things out I use the word "pretty" a lot. Are there other words that I could be utilizing?
The DVD player is struggling right now, though. It's hard to watch Angel without the old DVD player.
I think that the best part about Angel, besides the way that it makes me feel about myself, is the fact that Angel is so super hot. And everyone is very funny. I may have watched the puppet episode today. What good times.
Jen took my shower time today, so I had to go to work sans cleanliness. Well, off to leave my comments on other people's blogs.


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